Thursday 11 July 2019


I’ve been doing a lot of wishing lately.  You all know what I mean; indecision that comes from wanting to do something.  Perhaps it’s something new or maybe just a project lurking in the box of the “great unfinished”.  But you’re waiting, waiting for lightning to strike.  And the resulting idea - you know it has to be really good!

So, rather than fret, I’ve been lurking on the net instead of petting my stash, and like Brenna Riley Gates (The Quilting Company) trying to decide what to do and where to go.  I’m currently on a mission to find quilts that make my heart stop a beat, that inspire me or are just crying out to be made.  I’m looking for the commonalities so I guess I’m looking for me.  I’m in the process of assembling a “little” collection of these images to make into a screen saver or similar – an easy-access on-line personal inspiration board.  I can hear you all shout “Pinterest” or “Instagram” but really, I’m not sure at the moment I want another reason to sit longer at my computer.  I’m really, really trying to find more time for sewing…

So indeed, WHY am I blogging?  Well, in my search for interesting Nancy Cabot blocks after my last quilt, I revisited an inspiring modern scrap block in a Flickr group (link here) called X & + (or X Plus or Criss-Cross).  It seems Nancy Cabot originally called it Spool Block.  My need for a pattern (with the math done to confirm my own guesstimations) led me to Elizabeth Eastmond’s blog with said pattern nicely done along with some wonderful wisdom that’s well worth repeating.

I hate every project three months in.  I’m exhausted.  I’m questioning whether it’s any good.  I’m unhappy.  [But] that’s just the process.  You have to get through that.  You have to commit. . . there’s no pulling out–it has to work.  And then it works out, because of the commitment.  There’s always failure when you don’t see it through fully.” Andrew Zuckerman, photographer, film director & author (Interview link).  Isn’t it true that sometimes you just need to sit and listen to understand where you have come from and going to…

This same block (free download) also led me to Scissortails who indeed is asking questions and looking forwards (link here) in an admirably organised way – it’s all worth pondering and getting a little personal sometimes!  I’m wondering, given the connection seems to be either Nancy Cabot or her Spool Block, if this is what has lead us to this point of personal contemplation (just plain navel-gazing really) but it’s just so useful/therapeutic/Zen.  So, maybe it is back to the great unfinished, to accept the challenges and work with them – maybe just thinking outside the box or in a different light might just resolve those Gordian Knots.
  Or just start a new one!