Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Sea Change

In February 2020, we began planning for our usual overseas adventure.  It always takes a few months to organise ourselves.  I’d found some great fares for our flights and consulted the captain (only of our ship).  “I’d wait,” he said.  “Things don’t look good.”  So here we are in 2021.  Still waiting.  Still not looking good…

Meanwhile, he turned his hand to those many outstanding home repairs (long neglected) and I began a major photo re-organisation project.  (It’s finally nearing completion in 2021; I know, I’m leaning towards the OCD type.)  However, with a gentle slide into 2021, Autumn and cooler weather, it was time to take a (sanity) break and hit the Garden Shed, my quilt room in the garden, before winter sent me back inside to a warm cosy fire. 

I dusted off the UFO box, sent Bertie Bernina away for a service and made a few lists to help me work out where I was at.  I also had a spring clean, putting unwanted items aside to give away and thinned out the growing magazine collections.  Spotlight had a few sales and my fabric boxes were full to the brim with wadding and the odd piece of fabric or two.  I was all set for a bit of action.  So, there I’ve been since, happily avoiding my computer (and those never-ending photo piles). Zoom Zoom!